Feel free to initiate contact with us via email, including your referred clients in the CC line. Provide name and the websites of your referrals. We love getting to know you!
As soon as we receive your email introducing us to your client or referral, our friendly team will have a chat with them to understand their unique needs and what they’re hoping to achieve with SEO.
When your client shows interest and signs a SEO contract for our SEO services, we’ll be sure to give you a heads-up that your referral was a success.
Your referral reward will be sent your way once your client pays their initial invoice. You get to pick how you’d like to receive your reward—whether it’s through direct deposit or PayPal.
Our team of experts takes the reins of the SEO project without any ongoing responsibilities on your part. If you’re curious about how things are going, you can check in anytime.
Let’s stay connected from time to time. And, of course, feel free to send more referrals our way whenever you like. You’ll keep earning those rewards!